髮旺旺如果你還在考慮Source Naturals, L-Lysine, 1,000 mg, 200 Tablets這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
L-Lysine is an essential free-form amino acid which acts as a precursor for another amino acids, including L-carnitine (needed for fat metabolism). L-Lysine is crucial for the formation of collagen, a major part of the body's connective tissues. L-Lysine also contributes to energy production when converted to acetyl coenzyme A, one of the principal fuels for the Krebs cycle.
Source Naturals, L-Lysine, 1,000 mg, 200 Tablets
保健品氨基酸-Source Naturals, L-Lysine, 1,000 mg, 200 Tablets
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髮旺旺如果你還在考慮Source Naturals, L-Lysine, 1,000 mg, 200 Tablets這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Dietary Supplement 髮旺旺
- Free Form
- Suitable for Vegetarians
L-Lysine is an essential free-form amino acid which acts as a precursor for another amino acids, including L-carnitine (needed for fat metabolism). L-Lysine is crucial for the formation of collagen, a major part of the body's connective tissues. L-Lysine also contributes to energy production when converted to acetyl coenzyme A, one of the principal fuels for the Krebs cycle.
Source Naturals, L-Lysine, 1,000 mg, 200 Tablets
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